Schooner Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Schooner Foundation funds human rights and social justice, global health equity, education and economic empowerment and the environment in the U.S. and around the world.

IP TAKE: This low-profile corporate funder makes substantial grants but does not articulate its grantmaking goals or prioritize. Big winners include organizations where Schooner’s founder, Vin Ryan, maintains board positions. However, tax filings show decent range in the size of outfits the foundation supports. Schooner doesn’t accept unsolicited proposals but provides an email address for reaching out with questions or ideas.

PROFILE:  The Schooner Foundation is the charitable arm of Boston-based investment firm Schooner Capital. It was established in 1996 by Vin Ryan and his wife, Carla Meyer. Ryan graduated from Boston University. In 1971, he founded Schooner Capital. He also serves as a director of Iron Mountain, a $5 billion global records management company which he acquired and grew.

The Schooner Foundation aims “to advance human rights by leveraging funds, partnerships and resources where there is the greatest need and opportunity, both domestically and internationally.” The foundation’s grantmaking supports “equitable, replicable, and scalable solutions” in the areas of Human Rights and Social Justice, Global Health Equity, Education and Economic Empowerment and the Environment. Grantmaking is global in scope. Grantmaking addresses both national and international causes, but most grants support U.S.-based organizations.

Grants for Global Development, Global Security and Human Rights

The Schooner Foundation maintains a broad approach to funding global development and human rights. Vin Ryan serves on the board of Survivor Corps, formerly known as the Landmine Survivors Network, and has provided ongoing support to the organization. Other grantees in these areas include the Fund for Global Human Rights, the Center for Victims of Torture and the Share and Care Foundation for India.

Grants for Global Health

The foundation names Global Health Equity as one of its four main areas of giving but does not name specific priorities for giving in this area. Past grantees include Seed Global Health, Global Health Partners and One Heart World Wide, which works to prevent maternal and infant death in developing nations.

Grants for Education, Work and Opportunity

The Schooner Foundation does not articulate goals or priorities for its Education and Economic Empowerment grantmaking area but has made many grants in these areas over the years. Ryan’s alma mater, Boston College, has received support. Other past recipients include Yale University, the Follow Your Dreams Foundation, Harvard University and the Gifford Youth Achievement Center in Vero Beach, Florida.

Grants for Environment

Environmental causes are a smaller area of giving for this funder. Schooner does not name specific areas of interest for this focus area. Past grantees include Florida’s Indian River Land Trust and the Nature Conservancy.

Grants for Racial Justice, Indigenous Rights and Criminal Justice Reform

While the Schooner Foundation does not name these as areas of interest, several recent grants have supported racial and Indigenous justice initiatives and organizations involved in criminal justice reform. Grantees in these areas include the Tennessee Innocence Project, the William J. Brennan Jr. Center for Justice and the Sicangu Community Development Corporation, which supports communities of the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota.

Important Grant Details:

The Schooner Foundation’s grants generally range from $50,000 to $500,000.

  • The foundation shows some preference for organizations based in Boston, Massachusetts.

  • Grantmaking for global causes generally supports U.S.-based organizations.

  • The Schooner Foundation does not accept unsolicited requests for funding.

  • For additional information about past grantmaking, see the foundation’s tax filings.

General inquiries may be directed to Phoebe Gantner via email at


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