Richard A. Karp

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Sequoia Systems, Catapult Communications Corp.

FUNDING AREAS: Education, Arts & Culture

OVERVIEW: Richard Karp and family move philanthropy through the Richard A. Karp Charitable Foundation, which gave away $600,000 in a recent year. Grantmaking has been modest recently, but recent gifts maintain a focus on schools with which Karp has a personal connection.

BACKGROUND: Richard A. Karp was born in Chicago. He received a B.S. from Cal Tech, an M.S. from the University of Wisconsin, and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. As a Peace Corps volunteer in the late 1960s, he taught mathematics and computer science at the University of Philippines. Karp founded Sequoia Systems, as well as Catapult Communications Corp. 


EDUCATION: Karp and family, via their foundation, have supported Cal Tech, Stanford University and University of the Philippines Alumni in Minnesota. 

ARTS & CULTURE: Grantees include Royal Oak Foundation, whose mission is to "inspire Americans to learn about, experience and support places of great historic and natural significance in the United Kingdom," and the San Jose Museum of Art.

LGBTQ: Steady support has gone to GLAAD.

LOOKING FORWARD: It's unclear how much Karp has waiting in the wings. He keeps a low profile but expect modest support of his select interest areas to continue.


Richard A. Karp Charitable Foundation
849B Independence Avenue
Mountain View, CA 94043