Rivers Carry Tons of Plastic into Oceans Every Day. Two Funders Aim to Change That

Rivers Carry Tons of Plastic into Oceans Every Day. Two Funders Aim to Change That

With the U.N. warning that the oceans may soon contain more plastic than fish, foundations and nonprofits are looking upstream for solutions—most recently with a new $11 million initiative to curb plastic waste in nine rivers worldwide.

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Behind a Search for Breakthrough Ideas to Capture River Plastic Before It Reaches the Ocean

Behind a Search for Breakthrough Ideas to Capture River Plastic Before It Reaches the Ocean

An estimated 8 million tons of plastic enter the ocean each year, threatening vital marine ecosystems, and most of it comes from rivers. Can a new partnership between the Benioff Ocean Initiative and Coca-Cola “turn off the tap” of river plastic?

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