In a Climate of Fear, California Funders Step Up for Immigrants

In a Climate of Fear, California Funders Step Up for Immigrants

Amid stepped-up deportations and mounting panic, new grant money is flowing to legal and advocacy groups, especially in Southern California, where a million undocumented immigrants live. 

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Recognition and Reconciliation: A Foundation Helps a University Confront Its Ties to Slavery

Recognition and Reconciliation: A Foundation Helps a University Confront Its Ties to Slavery

News out of D.C. provides a striking example of how one school grappling with its past can build for a better future thanks, in part, to foundation assistance.

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A Funder Shores Up a Scholarly Bulwark Against President Trump's Immigration Policies

A Funder Shores Up a Scholarly Bulwark Against President Trump's Immigration Policies

Some of the best legal minds in the nation are in the academy, and donors who figure out how to bring that firepower to bear on public debates—like immigration—can have a big impact. Here's an example. 

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Here’s Another Local Funder Shifting Grantmaking Because of the Immigration Ban

Here’s Another Local Funder Shifting Grantmaking Because of the Immigration Ban

The Brooklyn Community Foundation recently launched an Immigrant Rights Fund with initial grants going out to a range of nonprofits. What's the plan, here? 

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Behind a Hollywood Power Couple's Commitment to Boost Diversity in Film

Behind a Hollywood Power Couple's Commitment to Boost Diversity in Film

The Oscar nominees are finally more diverse this year. And within the film industry itself, one power couple is taking a stand on diversity, and putting up new funding, too: Will and Jada Smith.


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Beyond the National Anthem: This NFL Quarterback is Also Giving for Racial Justice

Beyond the National Anthem: This NFL Quarterback is Also Giving for Racial Justice

Colin Kaepernick’s name has been in the news lately, as the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers takes a stand (or rather a knee) for racial justice. He's engaged in philanthropy for the cause, too. 

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Family Values: Behind a Big Gift for Racial Justice

Family Values: Behind a Big Gift for Racial Justice

Billionaire siblings Jon and Pat Stryker are both known for their progressive philanthropy. But where did these values come from? Jon offers IP some insights in explaining a recent gift for a new lynching memorial.

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What's the Brooklyn Community Foundation Up To With Its Race-Focused Youth Strategy?

What's the Brooklyn Community Foundation Up To With Its Race-Focused Youth Strategy?

The Brooklyn Community Foundation continues to be at the forefront of backing community-based groups with a racial justice lense. Grants for youth are key to its strategy. 

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What's The San Francisco Foundation Looking for in New “Advancing Equity” Grantees?

What's The San Francisco Foundation Looking for in New “Advancing Equity” Grantees?

TSFF is an edgy and progressive funder that's engaged in a new push to challenge the underlying structures that sustain racial and economic inequities. What's that mean for would-be grantees? 

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"Ripple Effect." What Might Standing Rock Mean for Native American Funding?

"Ripple Effect." What Might Standing Rock Mean for Native American Funding?

The fight to stop the Dakota Access pipeline underscores a huge unmet need, but also tremendous power, in funding for Native American communities. Can philanthropy rise to the challenge?

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The Greatest: Another Gift from Lebron James, This Time, To Honor a Fellow Athlete

The Greatest: Another Gift from Lebron James, This Time, To Honor a Fellow Athlete

There's a reason we included Lebron James on our list of top philanthropists of color. Now's he's made another major gift, this time to the National Museum of African American History and Culture.

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Can Love Still Trump Hate? This Foundation Hopes So, and It's Opening the Spigot

Can Love Still Trump Hate? This Foundation Hopes So, and It's Opening the Spigot

The Open Society Foundations, which knows a thing or two about standing up to intolerance, is mobilizing at a critical moment. 

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Bringing Diversity to American Philanthropy: It’s Complicated

Bringing Diversity to American Philanthropy: It’s Complicated

A new book takes a deep dive into the cultural factors that shape giving by different groups of Americans and shows how fundraisers can navigate a fast changing demographic landscape. 

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Another Key Front in the Growing Funder Push on Food: Native American Communities

Another Key Front in the Growing Funder Push on Food: Native American Communities

With Native Americans experiencing high rates of obesity, diabetes, and other nutrition-related health problems, one tribe with a big philanthropic track record is putting millions toward the problem.

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A Better Read: An Innovative Polling Project That's Drawn in Big Grants

A Better Read: An Innovative Polling Project That's Drawn in Big Grants

After last night, many might wonder how valuable opinion surveys are. But one effort sees room for a deeper dig into how a growing demographic group, youth of color, thinks. Who's funding this work? 

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New Citizens, New Power: What Funders Are Doing to Push Latino Civic Engagement

New Citizens, New Power: What Funders Are Doing to Push Latino Civic Engagement

The 2016 election may well hinge on Latino turnout. We look at what funders have been doing in recent years to boost Latino civic engagement, and remake the electoral map. 

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The Funders Behind a Push to Make Cities Both Sustainable and Inclusive

The Funders Behind a Push to Make Cities Both Sustainable and Inclusive

The Emerald Cities Collaborative is working to ensure low-income communities of color have a strong role in city sustainability efforts. Who's writing the checks? 

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With the End Near, Atlantic Makes a Big Move on Racial Justice

With the End Near, Atlantic Makes a Big Move on Racial Justice

Race has been getting a lot of attention from funders lately, but Atlantic Philanthropies has long been a leader in this area. Now it's aiming to extend that influence for years to come. 

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We Don't See This Every Day: A Private Equity Guy Steps Up Big for Black Studies

We Don't See This Every Day: A Private Equity Guy Steps Up Big for Black Studies
Issues of race may be front and center these days, but African American studies has been in decline on campuses. Now, a (white) financier is giving heavily for new research in this area.
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In the Breast Cancer Fight, New Donor Attention to Race and Inequity

In the Breast Cancer Fight, New Donor Attention to Race and Inequity
There’s a big disparity in breast cancer deaths between white and black women. Now, one of the nation's wealthiest African-Americans is getting behind an effort to help close that gap.
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