Thomas and Sue Ellison

SOURCE OF WEALTH: Savers LLC, Foundation Bank

FUNDING AREAS: Medical Research, Education, Human Services

OVERVIEW: Thomas and Sue Ellison move their philanthropy through the Ellison Foundation, which invests in innovative medical research, educational initiatives that create lifelong achievement, and programs addressing the needs of most vulnerable families. According to available tax filings, the foundation awarded just under $3.1 million in grants in 2017.

BACKGROUND: Thomas A. Ellison is the co-owner of Savers, Inc., a privately held for-profit thrift store chain offering second-hand shopping. He is also the founder of Foundation Bank in Bellevue, Washington.


MEDICAL RESEARCH: The foundation’s medical focus area invests in local institutions that provide innovative advances in medical care and medical research. Last decade, the foundation awarded a $5 million grant to create the Tom and Sue Ellison Stem Cell Core within the University of Washington’s Institute for Stem Cell Regenerative Medicine. In 2015, the Ellison Foundation committed $6 million to develop precision medicine strategies for Alzheimer’s. The foundation also recently gave $2.1 million to Seattle Children’s Hospital for the purchase of new cardiac care and catheterization equipment. Other grantees have included Medical Teams International and National MS Society.

EDUCATION: Ellison’s education focus area invests in organizations and initiatives that provide students with opportunities for lifelong achievement and success. The funder is particularly interested in creating successful pathways to post-secondary degrees or certifications. Support has gone to Rainier Scholars for years. Other grantees have included Brotherhood Initiative, Girl Scouts of Western Washington, Seattle Education Access, Seattle University, and Rainier Prep. The foundation’s Ellison Education Grants “empower and support Washington State’s most effective, innovative and inspirational K- 12 public school teachers.”

HUMAN SERVICES: In human services, the foundation supports agencies that demonstrate responsible and effective programs serving the community’s most vulnerable populations, with a specific focus towards women and children. Grantees have included Mary’s Place, which “empowers homeless women, children and families to reclaim their lives by providing shelter, nourishment, work resources, healing and hope in a safe community;” LifeWire, which deals with domestic violence; CASA Latina; United Way King County; and Plymouth Housing.

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect the family to continue to support their local community in Washington State.

LINK: Ellison Foundation