Dennis and Gretchen DeAndre

SOURCE OF WEALTH: LoopNet, BizBuySell, DRD Capital

FUNDING AREAS: Education and Youth, Philanthropy, Health, Bay Area Community

OVERVIEW: Dennis DeAndre and his wife Gretchen do their grantmaking through the DeAndre Foundation, which made grants of around $30,000 in a recent year. The foundation’s grantmaking includes select Bay Area institutions. DeAndre also helped found and supports Raise You, a charitable gift marketplace. 

BACKGROUND:  Dennis DeAndre graduated from the Walter A. Haas School of Business at the University of California at Berkeley with a B.S., with an emphasis in real estate and finance. He worked in real estate and also founded LoopNet, an on-line commercial real estate marketplace. He also founded BizBuySell. DeAndre is the owner of DRD Capital, a boutique private equity firm investing in leading Internet companies through partial buyouts, full acquisitions and growth capital.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: The DeAndres, via their foundation, support Palo Alto Partners in Education and Palo Alto Family YMCA.

PHILANTHROPY: DeAndre founded and serves on the executive team of Raise You, “the first charitable gift marketplace where donors can search charitable gifts by prices.” The organization partners with hundreds of top-rated U.S. charities to create a marketplace of quantifiable charitable gifts. The DeAndre Foundation’s grantmaking steadily supports Raise You. 

HEALTH: The DeAndres’ health grantees include Nephcure Kidney International and A Foundation Building Strength, a “nonprofit organization dedicated to finding treatments for Nemaline Myopathy.”

BAY AREA COMMUNITY: The couple, via their foundation, support Rebuilding Together Peninsula and Friends of Palo Alto Community Theater.

OTHER: The DeAndres support Pimali, which “fights the exploitation of disadvantaged Thai youth.”

LOOKING FORWARD: The DeAndres’ giving has declined significantly over the past few years. It is unclear what the future of the DeAndre Foundation will be.


DeAndre Foundation
616 Ramona Street, 24
Palo Alto, CA 94301

(415) 596-5081