Polk County Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: This community foundation has a number of funds that provide competitive grants to nonprofits in this North Carolina county. It accepts unsolicited applications for many funds.

IP TAKE:  With over 200 funds under management, the Polk County Community Foundation’s application process can be confusing. The key to applying successfully here is the organization’s Dates and Dollars page, which summarizes upcoming opportunities.

PROFILE: The Polk County Community Foundation (PCCF) was established in 1975 and is based in Tyron, North Carolina. It seeks to “support charitable and beneficial activities in the community,” “provide and administer a variety of planned giving programs,” “serve as a responsible steward of all funds entrusted to it,” and “provide initiative in recognizing areas of community needs and supporting solutions.” It supports the town of Tyron and the surrounding communities in Polk county with grants and scholarships. Landrum, South Carolina, is also included in this funder’s service area. PCCF manages permanently endowed funds and non-permanent funds, such as charitable remainder trusts, and employs a professional asset manager.

There are over 200 funds held at PCCF, and over 100 of those have been established in the past decade. Total foundation assets exceed $62 million. In a recent four-year period, PCCF awarded $7.7 million in grants and scholarships. More than 82 local organizations have received grants since 2010.

There are several grant programs here with a competitive application process, but guidelines and due dates vary by program. Through its various funding programs, the foundation makes grants for capital expenses, project support and general operating support. It also provides provides general operating support for start-up organizations and small nonprofits with operating expenses under $75,000. Many local donors have added their contributions to the unrestricted funds here. Grant seekers should visit the Dates and Dollars page of the funder’s website to learn about upcoming deadlines for available funds. The long-form application and short-form application can be found on the funder’s website. Grant seekers can direct questions to foundation@polkccf.org.


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