Abby and David Cohen


FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Arts & Culture, Jewish Causes, Policy, Health 

OVERVIEW: Abby and David Cohen give through the Abby and David Cohen Family Foundation, which, according to available tax filings gave away approximately $365,000 in 2018. The Cohens steadily support their alma mater Cornell. They are also active in the Jewish community, education, and the arts.

BACKGROUND: Abby Joseph Cohen earned degrees in economics from Cornell University and George Washington University. She began her career as an economist at the Federal Reserve Board in Washington, D.C. She then specialized in quantitative strategy and economics at several financial firms. She joined Goldman Sachs in 1990 and was named partner in 1998. She retired as president of the firm's Global Market Institute.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: The couple support their mutual alma mater, Cornell University, where David is a trustee and Cohen is an emerita member. The Cohens are also the parents of two Cornell graduates. Other grantees include Rockefeller University and Hunter College Foundation.

ARTS & CULTURE: Grantees include The Met Opera, American Museum of Natural History, MoMA, and Roundabout Theater, where David serves on the board.

JEWISH CAUSES: The Cohens are steady backers of Cornell Hillel, where David is chair emeritus. David is also on the emeritus board of International Hillel, which the couple supports. Abby Cohen once chaired the board of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, which the family strongly supports. Other grantees include National Museum of American Jewish History, and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

POLICY: Cohen is interested in public policy. The Cohens have supported Brookings Institution (Cohen is on the board), Council for Economic Education, and the Washington Institute

HEALTH: The Cohens have supported Planned Parenthood and Weill Cornell Medical School, where they serve as overseers. 

LOOKING FORWARD: Expect the Cohens to stick with their established interests for now.


The Abby & David Cohen Family Foundation
P.O. Box 73, Bowling Green Station
New York, NY 10274