Foundation for the Mid South

OVERVIEW: The Foundation for the Mid South supports education, wealth building, health, and communities in Arkansas, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

FUNDING AREAS: Education, wealth building, health, communities

IP TAKE: While most FMS grants are initiated by program officers, this funder is also open to receiving brief unsolicited pitches from local groups.

PROFILE: The Foundation for the Mid South (FMS) is a community foundation based in Jackson, Mississippi. It is focused on impoverished communities in the region of the U.S and awards grants to local groups. FMS aims to “bring together the public and private sectors and focus their resources on increasing social and economic opportunity.” It funds local education, wealth building, health, and community efforts.

The Foundation for the Mid South focuses its resources on increasing economic and social opportunities for local residents. FMS supports education by targeting academic success for males of color and efforts in tutoring, career development, high school graduation rates, and college preparedness. Wealth building grants go towards programs that break cycles of poverty and help people make smart financial decisions. FMS’s health focus is on reducing obesity, mental health, and access to healthcare services. Community grants feature FMS giving for economic development, leadership development, workforce training, affordable housing, green spaces, local environmental preservation, and culture.

Grants range between about $10,000 and $50,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving in its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the states of Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Past local grantees include Hinds Community College, the South Delta Planning & Development District, and the Warren-Washington-Issaquena-Sharkey Community Action Agency.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. Stage one of the grantmaking process is concept development, in which program officers reach out to potential grantees. Stage two is the pre-proposal process that involves direct solicitation, discussion, and grant inquiries. Stage three is proposal development, at which point FMS provides grantseekers with templates and guidelines to use to submit their ideas. The foundation is also open to unsolicited idea pitches of 50 words or less. Direct general questions to the staff at 601-355-8167 or via online form.


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