Napa Valley Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Napa Valley Community Foundation supports children and youth, immigrant families, education, health, mental health and animal welfare in Northern California.

FUNDING AREAS: Children and youth, immigrant families, education, health, mental health, animal welfare

IP TAKE: This is an accessible community foundation with multiple ways to get involved throughout the year, starting with sending a brief letter describing a program to the NVCF staff.

PROFILE: Established in 1994, the Napa Valley Community Foundation (NVCF) is a community foundation based in Napa, California. It is a public charity, grantmaking foundation, philanthropic advisor and staging ground for community projects. The foundation aims to "mobilize resources, inspire giving, build knowledge and provide leadership on vital community issues to improve the quality of life for all in Napa County.” NVCF funds local efforts for children and youth, immigrant families, education, health, mental health and animal welfare.

The Napa Valley Community Foundation addresses the many local challenges in the region, including housing, education, immigration, inequality, water, land use and transportation. NVCF awards donor-recommended grants and competitive grants. Competitive grant opportunities include the In School & Out of School Fund for children and youth from low-income and immigrant households, the Gordon F. & Marion J. Davies Endowment Fund for at-risk high school youth and the Marion Mendelsohn Fund that supports mental health and other health services. NVCF administers the Strong Communities Fund to strengthen vulnerable households and the David and Jane Gotelli Family Fund that supports animal welfare. In addition to grants, NVCF also awards educational scholarships to local students.

Grants range between about $5,000 and $1 million or more. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on Napa County in California. Past local grantees include the American Canyon Fire District, Canine Guardians and Cope Family Center.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits for several of its competitive grant funds. Each fund has its own unique set of guidelines and deadlines. Within 90 days, the NVCF staff also responds to brief letters from nonprofits that describe an organization and project. Direct general questions to the staff at 707-254-9565 or via online form.


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