Color of Change

OVERVIEW: Color of Change supports justice initiatives to end practices that hold Black people back and make the world more equitable for everyone.

IP TAKE: This funder does not make grants to individuals or organizations, but it does support specific causes in the racial justice space.

Grantseekers looking for funding will come up empty here, but those looking to raise the profile of their project and to access like-minded individuals ready to mobilize for their cause, will likely find Color of Change ready to help.

While not a traditional grantmaker, this funder targets campaigns and petitions seeking to mobilize the black community and its allies for specific causes. It makes some grants at its descretion. Doing big work at an established organization will attract their attention; however, the better play here is to think of the ways in which your organization can support and amplify this organization’s mission. This is not an otherwise accessible or transparent grantmaker, so keep that in mind when approaching.

PROFILE: With over seven million members, Color of Change is the largest online racial justice organization in the U.S. This organization helps people respond to injustices in the world through campaigns and initiatives that right racism in all aspects of life. It mobilizes members to end systems that hold back Black people and move all people forward together. Color of Change supports a variety of justice initiatives, including criminal justice, media justice, voting freedom, tech justice, economic justice and challenging right-wing and White nationalism infrastructure. Campaigns of Color of Change have addressed police violence, environmental health protections, child protective services and other justice-related topics.

Grants for Racial Justice, Violence Prevention, and Democracy

Color of Change works to “challenge injustice, hold corporate and political leaders accountable, commission game-changing research on systems of inequality, and advance solutions for racial justice that can transform [the] world.” Its racial justice campaign includes initiatives broadly focused on Criminal Justice, Culture Change and Media Justice, Voting Freedom and Democracy, Tech Justice, Right Wing Politics and White Nationalism, and Economic Justice.

This funder is not a traditional grantmaker; instead, it focuses its energies on targeted campaigns and petitions seeking to mobilize the black community and its allies for specific causes. One of its campaigns, for example, works to encourage textbook publishers to resist attempts by local school districts to “white-wash black history,” and another calls for justice for Patrick Lyoya, a 26-year-old Congolese refugee who was killed by police in April 2022. Several campaigns address the criminalization of abortion, including one that petitions for the release of a woman in Cleveland, OH who was arrested for the death of her fetus.

Important Grant Details:

Color of Change is not a traditional grantmaker. It operates its own strategies and initiatives and works with like-minded organizations fighting racism and injustice.


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