Fender Play Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Fender Play Foundation supports music education programs nationally by providing resources and instruments for those in need and by advocating for the benefits of music education.

IP TAKE: The Fender Play Foundation does not offer cash grants, but it does provide a number of avenues of support for under-served communities in the way of in-kind gifts and musical instruction programs geared towards youth and schools. Though this is not an accessible funder, Fender welcomes contact. Don’t hesitate to contact this funder to learn more about its grantmaking, which is laser focused on music education for youth. Grantseekers hoping for any other kind of funding in related areas should look elsewhere. Luckily, Fender conducts grants at both the local and national levels; however, it tends to otherwise keep its cards close and remains low-key.

PROFILE: The Fender Play Foundation, formerly the Fender Music Foundation, is the philanthropic arm of the iconic guitar and musical instrument manufacturer Fender. The foundation aims to “empower self-expression and community building everywhere” by supporting musical instruction for young people. It supports various schools, local and national music programs, and music therapy programs with donations in the form of musical instruments, equipment, and instruction. 

Grants for Music and Arts Education

The Fender Play Foundation works with “organizations, educators and artists to support communities through equipment donations, personalized instruction and artist experiences.” Its three-pronged strategy aims to Equip, Educate, and Inspire by “ensuring educational institutions, schools and organizations have the gear required to support youth-focused music,” “providing support and learning tools to young players through our digital learning program, Fender Play and in-person instruction,” and “exciting the next generation of players though community-focused initiatives.” Organizations applying for support must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and fit into one of four categories: in-school music class, after-school music program not run by the school, community music program, or music therapy program. Organizations must also have been functioning for at least one year, accept all comers, have very low fees or no fees at all, give instruction at least once a week for eight months out of the year, and be a program that plans to exist for the foreseeable future. Previous partners and grantees include the Young Musicians Foundation, Musack, Adopt the Arts, Boys and Girls Club, and Notes for Notes.

Important Grant Details:

Little information is available on Fender’s grant values or habits since the change from Fender Music Foundation to Fender Play Foundation. There is no clear way to apply for grants on the foundation’s websites, but interested grantseekers are welcome to make contact by email.


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