Richard A. Henson Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Richard A. Henson Foundation supports community betterment, education, housing and human services in Maryland.

IP TAKE: This private funder welcomes contact from nonprofits, so reach out to discuss an idea before submitting any paperwork. Make sure though that your proposal speaks to Christian values or funding will be difficult.

PROFILE: Established in 1990, the Richard A. Henson Foundation is private foundation based in Salisbury, Maryland. Henson, who passed away in 2002, was a Maryland native and commuter aviation pioneer who operated a flying business, civilian pilot training program and commuter airline service. The foundation aims to "provide for and to assure the continuation of the philanthropic spirit objectives, and ideals of Richard A. Henson, to enrich the quality of life primarily in the Greater Salisbury, Maryland, area and to provide challenging opportunities and act as a catalyst for the betterment of the community.” It funds local efforts for community betterment, education, housing and human services.

The Richard A. Henson Foundation regularly funds new and ongoing programs, operating support, capital campaigns and scholarships. The founder followed Christian principles and believed in the entrepreneurial spirit, building good character among youth, giving to the needy and being a good role model. The Henson Foundation regularly gives to organizations that serve youth and housing organizations.

Grants range between about $10,000 and $500,000  Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records, which are linked on the foundation’s “about us” page. Grantmaking is limited to the state of Maryland and especially the Salisbury area of the state. Past local grantees include Chesapeake Housing, Salisbury Christian School and the Salisbury chapter of Big Brothers/Big Sisters.

This foundation requests that grantseekers first contact the foundation staff to discuss an idea and make initial phone or email contact. If the idea is of interest to the foundation, it will request a letter of inquiry from the organization. Groups can email or fax letters of inquiry to the foundation. These letters have submission deadlines on the second Monday of each month, except August and December. Direct general questions to the staff at 410-742-7057 or via online form.


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