Greenville Area Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Greenville Area Community Foundation supports arts and culture, youth, senior citizens, literacy, education, religion, museums, parks and recreation, health and libraries in Michigan.

FUNDING AREAS: Arts and culture, youth, senior citizens, literacy, education, religion, museums, parks and recreation, health, libraries

IP TAKE: There are numerous issue-specific grant cycles at GACF to learn about and apply for grants throughout the year.

PROFILE: Established in 1989, Greenville Area Community Foundation (GACF) is a community foundation based in Greenville, Michigan. A former mayor of Greenville, Lloyd Walker, led a group of visionaries to create this foundation to serve the region. There are approximately 158 funds at GACF. The foundation aims to "enhance the quality of life in the greater Greenville area.” It funds local efforts for arts and culture, youth, senior citizens, literacy, education, religion, museums, parks and recreation, health and libraries.

The Greenville Area Community Foundation has numerous grant cycles that nonprofits can get involved with. There is a fall grant cycle, spring grant cycle, healthcare grant cycle, youth advisory grant cycle, affiliates’ grant cycles and Lena & Fred Meijer Trail Fund grant cycle. GACF gives priority to programs and projects rather than general operating support or anything outside the geographic area. GACF’s Access to Recreation Initiative has supported local parks, beaches and museums. GACF affiliates are the Lakeview Area Community Fund and the Montcalm Panhandle Community Fund. In addition to grants, GACF also awards scholarships to local students, and it has a youth advisory council.

Grants range between about $5,000 and $150,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on Montcalm County in Michigan. Past local grantees include the Greenville Area Community Center, Flat River Historical Society and Greenville Public Schools.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. It shares applications available for downloading on its website. Direct general questions to the staff at 616-754-2640.


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