American Century Investments Foundation

OVERVIEW: The American Century Investments Foundation supports education, health, human services, animal welfare and community benefit in the Kansas City area of Missouri and Kansas.

FUNDING AREAS: Education, health, human services, animal welfare, community benefit

IP TAKE: This corporate funder is closely tied with the local community foundation in the area and supports many different direct service causes close to home. Network with one of its employee’s to get on this funder’s radar. This is a refreshingly accessible funder despite its corporate ties.

PROFILE: Established in 2000, the American Century Investments Foundation (ACIF) is a corporate foundation based in Kansas City, Missouri. American Century Investments is an investment management firm that dates back to 1958. The company’s founder, Jim Stowers, and his wife, Virginia Stowers, created the Stowers Institute for Medical Research in 1994. Today this foundation models the founders’ model of giving and is overseen by a board of directors. The foundation’s goals are “helping others and building a strong community.” It funds local efforts for education, health, human services, animal welfare, community benefit and other issues.

The American Century Investments Foundation has a Dollars for Donors program and also a twice-yearly application process to award grants. Dollars for Donors recognizes employees’ contributions and is a matching grant program. The community outreach program has addressed issues that include caring for animals, education, blood drives, clean-up efforts, pediatric cancer and more. The foundation focuses on where the company’s employees live and work. ACIF has a matching gifts program that is administered through the Greater Kansas City Community Foundation.

Grants range between about $5,000 and $25,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the places where the company does business, especially Leawood in Kansas and Kansas City in Missouri.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits. ACIF has an online application system to apply for funding. The application deadlines are in early-April and early-October. The funder notifies applicants of its decisions within about eight weeks after the deadlines. Direct general questions to the staff at or 816-627-3452.


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