Francis Family Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Francis Family Foundation supports pulmonary research, lifelong learning and arts and culture in the Kansas City, Missouri area.

FUNDING AREAS: Pulmonary research, lifelong learning, arts and culture

IP TAKE: The best available opportunities with FFF right now are with the Small Arts Grant Fund. These are very locally focused grants and even open to non-art-specific organizations that offer community-based art programs.

PROFILE: Established in 1989, the Francis Family Foundation (FFF) is a private foundation based in Kansas City, Missouri. It formed from the merger of the Parker B. Francis Foundation and the Parker B. Francis III Foundation. Parker B. Francis was the founder of the Puritan-Bennett Company. The foundation is “dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for individuals, families and communities with particular commitment to the greater Kansas City metropolitan area.” FFF funds local efforts for pulmonary research, lifelong learning and arts and culture.

The Francis Family Foundation’s lifelong learning grantmaking addresses local early education, professional development for educators, parental support for school readiness and urban education reform. FFF’s arts and culture support also has a local focus, and the foundation looks to connect the arts to new generations, inspire new audiences and support small grassroots programs. The funder’s pulmonary research interests have a more national focus and involve a fellowship program to help find treatments and cures for pulmonary diseases.

Grants range between about $10,000 and $100,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the Kansas City metropolitan area of Missouri and Kansas. Past local grantees include KCPT Public Television 19, Kansas Action for Children, Kansas City Art Institute and the Heartland Men’s Chorus.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits for some of its opportunities, including the Small Arts Grant Fund that typically has an application due date in September. Individuals may apply for a pulmonary research fellowship online. FFF awards lifelong learning and arts and culture grants on an invitation-only basis. The funder is not accepting unsolicited request for capital or endowment campaigns. Direct general questions to the staff at or 816-531-0077.


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