Red Lodge Area Foundation

OVERVIEW: Based in Red Lodge, Montana, this funder supports local efforts related to youth, arts and culture, nonprofit capacity, and building a resilient community. The foundation’s website provides applications for funding.

IP TAKE:  All of Carbon County, Montana, is in focus with this community foundation. Poverty has been a major interest lately.

PROFILE: The Red Lodge Area Foundation (RLAF), based in Red Lodge, Montana, is a community funder that serves this local area. It seeks to “[connect] people and [build] community by catalyzing change and sharing resources to build a strong, vibrant, resilient, inclusive community.” To facilitate grantmaking, it receives support from the O.P and W.E. Edwards Foundation, Sidney E. Frank Charitable Foundation, the Dennis and Phyllis Washington Foundation, and Tippet Rise Foundation.

Its four program areas are youth, arts and culture, nonprofit capacity, and resilient community. Arts funding has come in the form of revitalizing Old Roosevelt, bringing musical events to the area, and supporting creative artists of all backgrounds. There is an application on the arts page for the Educating Emerging Artists Fund.

Resilient community support is focused on poverty in Carbon County. Other interests in this category are providing healthy food to kids, the health needs of vulnerable populations, affordable housing, and the elderly. The application for the Senior Ark Fund can be accessed online. The foundation also provides a COVID-19 relief fund.

In addition to healthy foods, other youth-focused interests include encouraging high school student interest in volunteering, early childhood development, high school graduation rates, and enrichment opportunities for youth. Grant seekers can apply for these types of funding on the RLAF youth page.

For nonprofits, RLAF provides two conference rooms for meetings and back-office services, such as web design and development, marketing materials, graphic design, and equipment sharing. The foundation has also provided Nonprofit Café events, as well as webinars and community meetings. There are over 70 nonprofits in this area, so make sure yours is listed on the RLAF directory. The foundation also hosts a community charity run that benefits nonprofits in Carbon County, Montana. This is the largest fundraiser in the area.

In one year, the funder had over $600,000 in total assets. View current financial data, as well as annual reports and the strategic plan, here.

General questions can be directed to the staff at 406-446-2820 or via online form. Tracy Timmons is the executive director, and there are about 11 other staff members. RLAF also works with AmeriCorps VISTAs and volunteers to respond to community opportunities. The address is 122 Hauser Avenue South, Red Lodge, Montana 59068. Following their news section or sign up for the RLAF newsletter.


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