McMurry Foundation

OVERVIEW: This funder primarily supports groups in Natrona County, Wyoming, in the areas of education, religion, children and advocacy for children, health and human services, arts and humanities, and favorable business environments.

IP TAKE:  Grantmaking is a family affair at the McMurry Foundation. Following Mick McMurry’s death by suicide, the foundation may support more depression and mental health causes.

PROFILE: The McMurry Foundation is based in Casper, Wyoming, and was established in 1998 to benefit communities within the state. It seeks to “have a significant and beneficial impact on the communities within Wyoming.” The funder is particularly interested in causes within Natrona County, Wyoming. This is one of the largest Wyoming-based local funders.

Grantmaking interests are education, religion, children and advocacy for children, health and human services, arts and humanities, and favorable business environments. McMurry awards seed money for new programs and also general operating support to improve and expand services. The foundation also supports nonprofit capacity building efforts that make local groups more self-sufficient, better managed, and able to plan strategically.

Education support goes to the long-term well-being of communities; religion grants support activities that advance the role of religion in society. Arts and humanities grants seek to enhance quality of life, and children-focused grants often go to programs in mentoring, self-esteem building, and leadership skills. The “favorable business environment” category addresses economic development, while health and human services grants target the causes and prevention of social and economic issues. Grants are not awarded for political causes, to individuals, or to influence legislation.

Wyoming nonprofits are welcome to apply for McMurry grants at any time of the year; applications are reviewed continually. Grant seekers should submit a letter of inquiry online to get the application process started, and then wait to hear back from the foundation whether a full application is requested. Additional documentation and a site visit may be required. In the foundation’s first 15 years, it gave over $49 million in grants.

The foundation staff can be reached at 307-261-9953 or via online form.

Mick McMurry was the president of the foundation board, but his mental health deteriorated after back surgery, which led to his suicide in 2015 by a self-inflicted gunshot wound, at the age of 69. Other board members are Susie McMurry as secretary and George Bryce as treasurer. The address is P.O. Box 2016, Casper, Wyoming 82602.


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