Ernie and Joanne Garcia: Donor Grants

SOURCE OF WEALTH: DriveTime Automotive, Carvana

FUNDING AREAS: Education & Youth, Health & Human Services

OVERVIEW: Ernie Garcia and family move their philanthropy through the Garcia Family Foundation, which gave away around $950,000 in a recent year. The family’s foundational giving centers on education, including parochial schools, and human services, with an eye towards Arizona.

BACKGROUND: Ernest “Ernie” Garcia II. is the son of a liquor store owner who was also once mayor of Gallup, New Mexico. He attended University of Arizona. Garcia become a stock broker and later worked in real estate development in Phoenix. Today, Garcia operates DriveTime Automotive, one of the largest car retailers in the country. He is also the biggest shareholder of Carvana, a used car e-commerce company, which his son Ernest Garcia III. founded.


EDUCATION & YOUTH: Garcia supports his school University of Arizona. The family recently directed a large grant to University of Arizona Foundation, supporting PANDA, which deals with “discovery processes to improve treatments and cures for devastating childhood diseases” and the Arizona Assurance Program, which provides academic, financial and social support for low-income Arizona students. The Garcias have also supported places like Bourgade Catholic High School, Saint Mary’s High School, Brophy College Prep, and Xavier College Prep.

HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES: Grantees have included Barrow Neurological Foundation, St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, and Human Services Campus (HSC), which has received particularly strong funds of late. HSC describes itself as a “collaborative force comprised of many partner organizations working together to end homelessness in our community” and is home to the Brian Garcia Welcome Center, which bears the name of the couple’s late son who volunteered at HSC.

LOOKING FORWARD: Only in his 60s and very much engaged in business, Garcia should be watched for greater giving down the line. His Stanford grad son Garcia III., should be watched carefully as well.


Garcia Family Foundation
1720 W. Rio Salado Pkwy, Suite A
Tempe, AZ 85281
(602) 778-5011