Sacramento Region Community Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Sacramento Region Community Foundation supports arts and culture, children and youth, disaster relief, human services, education, health and capacity building in Northern California.

FUNDING AREAS: Arts and culture, children and youth, disaster relief, human services, education, health, capacity building

IP TAKE: Check out the funder’s website to learn about the most current opportunities and the various funds that are open to unsolicited requests.

PROFILE: Established in 1983, the Sacramento Region Community Foundation (SRCF) is a community foundation based in Sacramento, California. A group of community leaders came together in the early 1980s to create the foundation, which manages over 600 charitable funds today. The foundation aims to “transform the community through focused leadership and advocacy that inspires partnerships and expands giving.” It funds local efforts for arts and culture, children and youth, disaster relief, human services, education, health and capacity building.

The Sacramento Region Community Foundation has several grant programs that are accessible to local nonprofits and award annual grants. For example, the APIs RISE Fund supports Asian and Pacific Islander philanthropy, while the Dennis Mangers Fund for Young Performing Artists supports artists from economically challenged backgrounds. There are other grant opportunities with Social Venture Partners of Sacramento, the Inspire Giving Fund, Whitney Pinkerton Fund and Benson Fund for Senior Services in Placer County. SRCF posts its current and future grant opportunities on its website. SRCF affiliates include the Lodi Community Foundation and the Yolo Community Foundation.

Grants range between about $1,000 and $50,000. Learn more about this funder’s local giving by examining its recent tax records. Grantmaking focuses on the Sacramento region of Northern California. This includes El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento and Yolo counties. Past local grantees include Sacramento Master Singers, the Latino Center of Art and Culture and the California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation.

This foundation accepts unsolicited grant applications from nonprofits for multiple grant programs throughout the year. Each program has its own unique set of guidelines and deadlines. Direct general questions to the staff at or 916-921-7723.


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