Edward John Noble Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Edward John Noble Foundation works broadly in the greater New York City area, funding arts and culture and other causes.

IP TAKE: This funder works mainly in the area of arts and culture in the greater New York area. Other interests include education and health. The foundation does not appear to accept unsolicited applications for funding.

PROFILE: New York State native Edward John Noble was a co-founder of the Life Savers candy corporation and the founder of the American Broadcasting Company. He also served as the first chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Authority, the under-secretary of commerce for President Franklin D. Roosevelt and an advisory board member for President Dwight D. Eisenhower's St. Lawrence Seaway Project. Although he lived mostly in New York, Noble purchased St. Catherine Island in Georgia in 1943 as a retreat. Since his death in 1958, the Edward John Noble Foundation has supported a broad range of causes in New York and run scientific, educational and conservation programs at St. Catherine’s Island and the Georgia coast.

The Noble Foundation does not maintain a website or outline specific goals for its New York grantmaking. Tax filings suggest that arts and culture are the foundation’s main areas of interest in New York. Past grantees include the Museum of Modern Art, the public radio station WNYC and the Museum of Natural History. Other areas of interest are education and health, with grants going to organizations like Freedom for All, which works in addiction services, and Long Island University.

Noble grants have been as large as $1 million, but the foundation’s average grant size is about $25,000. The foundation gives away over $3 million in grants each year, with a sizeable portion of that staying in the New York area. For additional information about past grantmaking, see the foundation’s past tax filings.

This foundation does not appear to accept unsolicited applications for funding. An address and phone number are provided below.


  • Search for staff contact info and bios in PeopleFinder (paid subscribers only).


Edward John Noble Foundation

143 West St., Suite 206

New Milford, CT 06776

(860) 354-0644