A Look at How the Cayuga Community Fund Gives in Central New York

Photo: SevenMaps/shutterstock

Photo: SevenMaps/shutterstock

The Central New York Community Foundation is a well-established community funder that has been around since 1927 and holds over $281 million in total assets. As with many community foundations across the country, there are numerous ways to get involved and secure funding as a nonprofit. For instance, the foundation administers geographically specific funds that serve as a source of permanent charitable dollars in local counties, including the Cayuga Community Fund.

Here are some details about the Cayuga Community Fund (CCF) and how it gives locally in Syracuse and the surrounding areas.

Major Areas of Interest

CCF is a broad local fund that supports a wide variety of nonprofits and interests in Cayuga County. Annual grants typically support programs in education, social services, health, the arts, the environment, civic concerns and historical preservation. Recent support includes grants to public theaters, Boy Scout troops, health networks, food pantries, libraries and fire departments.

Regional Emergency Efforts

As an affiliate of the region’s major community foundation, CCF joins emergency relief efforts and even launches its own efforts to address urgent needs. In late March of 2020, CCF announced the establishment of the Cayuga County COVID-19 Fund in partnership with the United Way of Cayuga County to address the local impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. CCF seeded the effort with its own $75,000 contribution before encouraging people and institutions in the area to make their own donations.

Most Grants Are Between $1,000 and $10,000

Although some grants are smaller or larger, the vast majority of CCF grants are in the $1,000 to $10,000 range. Recent grantees that received funding at the top of that range include the Cayuga Community Health Network, Owasco Water Lake Association and the Syracuse Rescue Mission Alliance.

CCF Accepts Unsolicited Grant Applications

CCF is an accessible grantmaker that local groups can easily contact about potential funding. The funder announces new grant opportunities on its website when they become available, typically in advance of an April 15 annual deadline. CCF uses an online application system and welcomes innovative and collaborative proposals. It awards about $70,000 in grants per year and has committed over $470,000 to nonprofits since 2010.

Learn more about the Cayuga Community Fund and other New York-focused funders in IP’s NYC and Tri-State Funding Guide.