Con Alma Health Foundation

OVERVIEW: The Con Alma Health Foundation is the largest funder solely dedicated to health in New Mexico. It is a health legacy foundation that awards small grants, technical assistance grants, and multi-year grants.

FUNDING AREAS: Health in New Mexico

IP TAKE: CAHF supports each region of New Mexico fairly equally, so there are good opportunities for rural areas with limited resources.

PROFILE: Established in 2001, the Con Alma Health Foundation (CAHF) is the largest foundation solely dedicated to health in New Mexico. It seeks “to be aware of and respond to the health rights and needs of the culturally and demographically diverse peoples and communities” of the state. This health legacy foundation was formed after the sale of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of New Mexico. The Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group is part of CAHF and was formed by the sale of the Los Alamos Medical Center in 2002. All grantmaking is relevant to health in New Mexico.

CAHF addresses all aspects of health, including physical, mental, emotional, social, dental, environmental, economic, and spiritual. In a recent strategic plan, the foundation outlined its ideas for healthcare reform and its effects on local government and nonprofit sectors. In a past grant cycle to address policy and access needs for health equity, CAHF awarded four multiyear grants totaling $200,000, 15 small grants totaling $175,000, and 13 technical assistance grants totaling $100,000. It also awarded 14 Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group grants for Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, and northern Santa Fe counties totaling $150,000. Multiyear grants are for up to three years have gone to Generation Justice, Santa Fe Community College, and New Mexico Voices for Children.

Overall, CAHF grants tend to be less than $50,000 each. The annual total of grants awarded is usually around $625,000. View the foundation’s website to learn more about past grantees. Only nonprofits that serve the people of New Mexico are eligible for grants, with special emphasis on rural, tribal, and culturally diverse communities. Northern New Mexico Health Grants Group grants do not go to groups in the city of Santa Fe, but rather to the towns and pueblos north of the city.

This funder accepts unsolicited grant applications and awards new grants annually. It also offers pre-proposal regional workshops and webinars for grant seekers. CAHF convenes groups for health-related discussion, collaboration with other funders, the leveraging of resources to increase government capacity, and for support of policy changes. The foundation regularly releases reports, including one that addressed how the ACA has been implemented in New Mexico, and interactive maps to highlight key health and other data about New Mexicans. Direct general questions to the staff at or 505-438-0776.


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